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International Cooperation and Exchanges in 2013

Jan 08, 2015 / Author by Text SizeDBS

The institute reached a new level in international cooperation in 2013. The institute signed 5 international cooperation special projects, and put in place funds of nearly CNY 13 million; the institute carried out substantial cooperation with Russia, the UK, Canada, Poland and Sweden etc. in various respects. In addition, the institute applied for two scientific research initial fundings from Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, Ministry of Education; 3 programs of “International Talent Exchange Plan” of CAS were funded. Professor Abraham Engeda, Director of Turbomachinery Lab of Michigan State University and Professor Sergey B. Leonov, Director of Plasma Lab of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, were employed as visiting professors.

The various international cooperation projects have seen smooth progress. The plan for international partnership for innovation team of CAS undertaken by our institute’s “Distributed Energy Supply Gas Turbine Innovation Team” has passed its pilot operational assessment. The Sino-Denmark technology cooperation special project “Research on the Key Technologies for Wind Power Generation Based on Chinese Wind Resources with Complicated Characteristics” lays a good foundation for international cooperation between the two countries.

The institute is strongly committed to international cooperation. In 2013, 43 groups, comprised of 89 people, went to 14 countries for research cooperation and academic exchange, including the US, UK, Australia, Canada and Spain etc. The institute also received visits from 33 international groups, made up of of 55 people. In addition, our institute hosted 2 international conferences, with over 400 persons in attendance, including 190 foreign guests. The flourishing of international academic exchange further built the image of our institute, and manifested the academic status and level that it is worthy of. In the 21st International Academic Conference of the Air-Breathing Engine, Zhao Xiaolu from our institute won The 2013 ISABE Award. Zhao Xiaolu was the first Chinese scholar to win this important honor since the founding of the conference in 1972. In the 58th International Gas Turbine Institute of ASME (ASME-IGTI) meeting, Dr. Li Sheng, a young staff of our institute won “Young Engineer Travel Award” which aims to fund excellent young engineers and scientists. Over 20 award winners were awarded at this conference, including two from China.


                                 “Innovation Team for Gas Turbine Distributed Energy Supply” passed assessment


                                   Prof. Noam Lior from University of Pennsylvania gives an academic report


                                 Dr. Li Sheng, a young staff of our institute wins “Young Engineer Travel Award”


                                     The institute is awarding letter of appointment for foreign visiting professors

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