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Advanced Technology Laboratory
Author: | Print | Close | Text Size: A A A | 2018-05-08

Research Fields

To meet the requirements of high-end aviation and aerospace equipment manufacturing, structural innovative and optimized designing for additive manufacturing were carried out; the key technological breakthroughs such as process/forming controlling, special material characteristics and applicability, and post-processing and evaluating technologies for additive manufacturing, were made. Thereby the center now possesses system-level components and light weight power equipment manufacturing capacity, which are included in the strategic researching direction for the institute development.

Team Building

1. Additive manufacturing of system-level components.

For system components such as the gas nozzle, casing and combustion chamber, structure - material – process integrating research based on additive manufacturing technology was carried out, to achieve the product system-level optimized design and manufacture.

2. Additive manufacturing of the whole system of lightweight power equipment.

For hundred kilowatts-class power equipment, the research on the structure and assembly optimized designing and manufacturing technology was carried out, to achieve the breakthrough that the whole power equipment are formed by additive manufacturing technology.

3. Microstructure additive manufacturing for structure-function integration.

To meet the needs of intelligent sensing, microstructure additive manufacturing technology was carried out according to the idea of process integrating research based on additive manufacturing technology. Temperature and strain can be measured by the structure itself without any extra sensors, as well as their volume and weight.

4. Other new technical directions to be introduced and cultivated by the institute.

Dean: Du Baorui       Tel: 86-10-82543165    E-mail: dubaorui@iet.cn

Deputy Dean: Zheng Huilong    Tel: 86-10-82543165    E-mail: zhenghuilong@iet.cn


Optimum design of part forming

Iterative refinement

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